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The Three Peaks Project

The Three Peaks Project was announced in April 2009 and aims to ensure that the area is maintained and improved in the long term by:

  • generating a sustainable income to help pay for its management
  • creating new opportunities for businesses, groups and visitors
  • promoting understanding of the area's special qualities
  • encouraging people to help look after the area

Background to the Project

In 1987, a report by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology claimed that the path network in the Three Peaks area was the most severely eroded in the UK, with some paths across the more fragile parts of the route having grown to 50m wide in places.

Since then, a great deal of effort and money has gone into improving of the network and helping the surrounding vegetation to recover. So far, about 27kms of public footpath and bridleway have been transformed, but the number of staff managing the rights of way in the Three Peaks has dwindled from 13 at the start of the original Manpower Services-supported project in 1987 to two.

This means that, despite the support of a team of Dales Volunteers, the National Park Authority is slowly but surely falling behind with maintenance.

The knock-on effect is that some sections of path need major work doing to them far more frequently - perhaps as often as every five years - when we might have expected a 10-year lifespan before. As well as the extra work, every additional project adds to the maintenance burden.

Generating income

The area has benefited from grants in the past to help pay for major work and the new Three Peaks Project aims to build on this success and to introduce new ways of generating cash.

One of the main ways will be by giving users of the network the chance to support the area and the work of the Authority by raising money for it.

Much of the money the project generates will be used to fund an additional member of staff - a project ranger - who will be focussing on the continuing maintenance of the ever-increasing length of paths in this special area. The aim is for the ranger's costs to be increasingly met by the income the project generates.

Videowalks has two ways in which you can contribute to The Three Peaks Project:

Make a donation

Donate an amount now by PayPal (PayPal account not required) and 100% of your donation less PayPal's charges will be passed on to The Three Peaks Project.

Select the amount you wish to donate and click the 'Donate' button.

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Secure payments are processed on behalf of Walks4all Limited by PayPal - a PayPal account is not required.

Buy our Three Peaks Walks

Buy any of our Three Peaks Walks and 10% of the sales proceeds will be passed on to The Three Peaks Project.

Our Three Peaks Walks:

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Walk (parts 1, 2 & 3) - view here


Part 1: Horton in Ribblesdale to Ribblehead - view here
Part 2: Ribblehead to the Old Hill Inn - view here
Part 3: The Old Hill In to Horton in Ribblesdale - view here


If you are doing the walk for charity, please consider giving some of your donations to The Three Peaks Project.


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